Welcome to the course on Leveraging Open Educational Resources (OER)! In today's digital age, access to information and educational materials has never been easier, thanks to the proliferation of OER. This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of OER and its impact on workplace training, learning, and development. Through this course, you will learn about the definition and benefits of OER, as well as how to identify quality OER and leverage technology to facilitate their use.
The course begins with an introduction to OER, where you will explore the definition and benefits of OER, and the impact of OER on workplace training, learning, and development. You will also learn how to identify quality OER by understanding the criteria for selecting appropriate OER, evaluating their credibility and relevance, and implementing OER in workplace training programs. Additionally, you will learn how to integrate OER into existing training programs, adapt OER to meet specific organizational needs, and explore case studies of successful OER implementation in the workplace. Furthermore, you will delve into leveraging technology to facilitate OER use, where you will discover platforms for accessing and sharing OER, utilizing analytics to measure OER effectiveness, and exploring the future of OER in workplace training, learning, and development. Finally, the course will conclude with a recap of key points and encouragement for ongoing exploration and adoption of OER. Join us on this exciting journey to explore the world of OER and how it can revolutionize workplace training, learning, and development!