My Personal Development Plan

​My Personal Development Plan - How to use this course.

Welcome to Fortitude 365 and our "My Personal Development Plan Building" tool. This tool is designed to provide the learner an overview of a few concepts such as athleticism, talent and long-term athlete development as well as the help you understand the Annual Training plan and periodization to provide he knowledge of how to build your own personal development plan.Knowledge Base - Lessons that provides students an overview of the mental skill(s) material.

Knowledge Check - Questions to help the learner test their knowledge on the mental skills topic. 

Application Exercise - Combines putting the learners new found knowledge into action with their own career. These exercises create mental skills tools you can save and use in the future. 

If at any time you have any questions about any of the material in this course, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at:

[email protected] 


Fortitude 365 Team