
The ReinventYourself Protocols (Part 1)

The ReinventYourself Protocols online course is here to guide and support you on your journey toward self-discovery and reinvention.

Part One is based on several generic life coaching exercises and reflections.

In it, you will find all the tools and insights you need to get started along your path. This course will teach you how to reinvent yourself in a way that you never thought was possible, no matter your age or circumstances.                         

 Part Two, “Tools for Life” will help you develop the habits to bring out the best in yourself.

Set yourself free from the expectations of others.

Create an interesting future that excites you as you end this journey of discovery and start a new one as the authentic you!

The Road Less Travelled

What is it that stops us from taking the first few steps ? Fear of the new, of success. The security of the familiar. Or waiting for the right time that never seems to come around. Or is it our own mind voice inside our head, whispering doubts, insecurities and self sabotage.

Two Roads

Two roads lay ahead,one back to our old self and one to the new. I took the one less travelled by. And you ?

Seize The Moment

Don't we want to change, be all we can be. Have presence. Be respected.Taste life to the full. Enough with doubts, self-sabotage, fear and hesitation. out with the old and in with the new. A fresher, healthier, more positive upgraded self.


We are all going to die. No matter what we say or do the end result will be the same. I dwelt on that a lot and asked myself why should we feel shy or less. Broken or maybe old, insignificant or afraid. A sheep plodding along after the herd. Compared to inevitable death everything else seems small.

Again Why Bother?

The easy answer would be that life takes no prisoners. I started developing this course before the millenium and could never have imagined the life changes that were to happen in the coming years. A rollercoaster so far and I can only marvel at the number of Me's I have invented. Each new me drawing on previous experiences to mould and utilise the nesscessary life tools needed for the present. Sometimes desperately trying to hold on to some aspects of the original for fear of losing myself. I see clearly now how negative experiences and passing years have the power to form a wounded, cynical version of self, consuming and polluting the original. Which brings me to the reason for this course. Change is nesscessary. To adapt and be flexible to life situations is to align with the flow of life. The lifestream being a river carrying all along and when resistance is met, for example in the form of a rock, the lifestream continues along, wearing that rock down. Resistance is indeed futile. To my way of thinking, there is a constant reinventing of self going down, but if those changes are based on reactions to hard life lessons, at some stage we become strangers to ourselves. To prevent this drowning of self and because of the loss of rites of passage and mentoring in our society, maybe it is nesscessary to consciously reinvent ourselves at different stages of our life. Adding the lessons learned to the original template of self, building and accumulating the new tools to successfully negotiate the stream of life. I don't believe in the common everyday advice of "love yourself for who you are". I am more of the understanding that life is like a school and we all need to strive forward, consciously learning, changing and evolving.

See you on the inside.
