Why you need a password manager

Do you find it difficult to remember your usernames and passwords across the many websites and services that you use?

Of course you do — you're a human being, not a computer.

Do you want to improve the security of your online accounts?

You should — criminals use all sorts of ingenious tricks to try to get access to our accounts.

And here's the thing: In one way or another, many of these tricks exploit two simple realities:

  1. People use weak passwords — because they can't remember strong ones.
  2. People re-use passwords for many different websites — because they can't remember lots of different passwords. So, one data breach can become many.

A strong password is long, complex and unique among your passwords — but the human brain simply isn't equipped to handle this, hence the two points above.

It's good to use password management software because it lets you use strong passwords without the need to actually remember (almost) any of them.

And for all the talk about alternatives, passwords won't go away any time soon.

So: Do you want to be an easy target? Or do you want to improve your defences?

If you want to improve your defences, then a good password manager should be central to your strategy.

Again, you're a human being, not a computer. And therein lies the solution — let a computer do most of the work for you, through password management software.