Jay Abraham

Mindset Shift #1

“As soon as you open your mind to doing things differently, the doors of opportunity practically fly off their hinges.”

Mindset Shift #2

“Innovation basically involves making obsolete that which you did before.”

Mindset Shift #3

“An amazing thing, the human brain. Capable of understanding incredibly complex and intricate concepts. Yet at times unable to recognize the obvious and simple.”

Mindset Shift #4

“My definition of marketing is simple- it’s all about educating the marketplace that your business can solve problems, fill voids, or achieve opportunities and goals the way no other business can.”

Mindset Shift #5

“People are silently begging to be led.”

Mindset Shift #6

“The key to rapid success as a preeminent business is to fall in love with your client.”

The key to get better at whatever you do in the fastest way possible is to fall in love with the process- you have to become someone that does what needs to get done (this doesn’t mean you “overwork” yourself- this means that you at least do the bare minimum every day to move “the needle of progress” everyday just a little bit).

Mindset Shift #7

“It was just a matter of recognizing that one person’s distress is another person’s opportunity.”

If others aren’t willing to do what it takes to become a better version of themselves then that is an opportunity for those that are bold and ambitious enough to show the rest of the world what is possible (;let others stagnate while you continue to push the limits of what is possible).

Mindset Shift #8

“You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence, and success. The problem is you just don’t see it.”

The reason we have mentors and study other humans who have done what we wish to do is because they will have wisdom and perspectives that we may not currently have (when you study those that have made an impact on the world you will always learn something- there is no faster way to cut the learning curve down than to study and learn from others- do not try and figure everything out by yourself).

Mindset Shift #9

“The only way to ensure that your actual success will equal your current potential for success is to eliminate the constraints that are holding you back.”

When you get rid of the type of thinking that holds you back and you get rid of the type of actions that hold you back and you replace those things with thinking and actions that move you towards “the type of person you are trying to become” then you have taken the brakes off of your life and you can now move towards the ideal version of yourself.

Mindset Shift #10

“If you are failing to strategize, you’re probably using your time in the wrong ways.”

Mindset Shift #11

“If you’re living in constant fear of screwing up, don’t be. As long as you move fast but safely, you’re taking action, and action creates forward momentum and direction in your business- even if your progress isn’t perfect 100 percent of the time.”

Mindset Shift #12

“The most defining trait of great entrepreneurs in the twenty-first century will be the ability to creatively collaborate with other people.”