Ready to transform your life and body without ever dieting again? You’re in the right place.
Welcome to Girls Gone Strong’s free five-day course, Nutrition Secrets: A Guide for Women Who Struggle with Their Nutrition.
I’m Molly Galbraith, co-founder and woman-in-charge at Girls Gone Strong. You’re about to learn the nutrition “secrets” that have transformed my life and the lives of hundreds of thousands of women around the world — making Girls Gone Strong the global leader for research-backed, women-specific health and fitness education.
By the end of this free five-day course, you’ll know exactly how you can get life-changing results — while still eating all the foods you love (no dieting required)!
But first, I’m going to give you the most important key to making this whole nutrition thing — and this free course — work.
What I’m about to share with you is going to contradict everything you’ve heard about improving your nutrition and leave you feeling like it’s so simple that it couldn’t possibly work.
That’s why it’s important to know — if you struggle with feeling like: o You lack the willpower to stay consistent
o You don’t have any “control” over yourself around your favorite food or drinks
o You’re overwhelmed by all the diet options or “stuck” not knowing what to do next
Or, the one I hear most — you feel like you know what to do, but you just can’t make yourself do it...
... then this free five-day course is absolutely right for you.
But like I said, what you’re about to learn is going to flip everything you’ve heard about “eating healthy” on its head. And if, as you go through this free course, you think to yourself:
o This isn’t enough...
o This won’t work...
o How could this possibly get results...
I’m asking you to trust the process. You can always go back to what you’ve done before — if it’s worked for you. But if it hasn’t, then what do you have to lose?
I know your time is valuable, and I don’t take it lightly that you’re spending it here, so how about this?
If you’re willing to invest just 20 minutes a day over the next five days — watching the videos, filling out the bonus worksheets, and implementing what you learn...
... you have my word you’ll be on the path to changing your life forever. Sound like a deal?
Let’s do this!
Embrace Small and Simple
Before we dive into your first nutrition secret, I’m going to give you a bonus secret that’s the key to making everything work. You ready?
Embrace small and simple.
Stick with me here.
We see this time and time Alain in our GGS Coaching program for women. Women enroll in our program expecting to receive a restrictive meal plan or complicated diet where they have to weigh, measure, and log all their food. But instead, we start them off with small behavior changes.
At first, this frustrates the heck out of them!
They want results fast, and what we ask them to do feels “too easy,” so they’re worried it can’t possibly work. What they often don’t realize is that long-term change requires consistency, so developing a sustainable strategy is a must.
Small and simple is a more effective way to make lasting change. This knowledge doesn’t just come from my experience as a coach. It’s rooted in behavior change psychology.
Evidence suggests that lasting change happens when you start small and stack good habits and practices on top of one another over time. Once our clients do this, they achieve results they never dreamed possible — and (get this!) it feels easier than ever before.
But here’s the thing: Small and simple can feel really weird at times. Especially if you’re used to making broad, sweeping changes, or if you believe that to get results you have to “go big or go home.”
In this free course, it will be critical for you to embrace this idea: Small efforts, done consistently over time, add up to massive results.
Think about this example: Let’s say you were going to fly from Los Angeles to Rome. If your pilot were to steer the plane just one degree off course... you could literally end up in Tunisia instead.
That’s the power of a single, small change compounded over time. It can lead to a drastically different outcome.
And in this course, you’ll learn how to harness that compounding effect so that tiny changes add up to HUGE results.
The Compounding Effect of Small Changes
inspired by James Clear
Now, you might be thinking, “I have such a long way to go. Small changes would take forever. I don’t have time for that.”
But hear me out: When you make small, positive changes, they build on each other over time — and the results are much bigger than you think.
Think of it like a brick. One brick all on its own doesn’t seem like much. But put them together in the right order, and, over time, you’ll build a beautiful home.
Case in point, our GGS Coaching client Sharon* recently told us:
“Once again, it’s amazing to come to the end of a month and realize how dramatically better I feel... and I’ve lost nearly 25 pounds in the last four months! I haven’t once felt like I was on a punishing diet or that I had
to spend my life in the gym to get these results, and that continues to be miraculous for me.”
I gotta tell you: Hearing stories like this from our clients never gets old!
So over the next five days, you’ll get one small and simple nutrition secret every day.
Why am I calling them secrets? Because despite their life-changing power, most people simply aren’t doing them. They’re overlooked. People think they can’t possibly work.
And frankly, they make the diet industry irrelevant because once you know these, you don’t need diets anymore.
These secrets are skills — skills you can take and implement into your life. You can practice them from this day forward, and you’ll get huge, long- lasting results.
The power is in your hands now.
*In this free course, we include quoted testimonials from women enrolled in our GGS Coaching program. Some of the names have been changed for client privacy.
If you think one of the strategies I share is too small to make a difference, try it anyway. See what happens.
After all, if what you’ve been doing so far hasn’t been working... then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
OK, ready for today’s Nutrition Secret? Here it is...
Have you ever sped through a meal, only to look down at your plate and think, “Where did all my food go?”
Or crammed some food in your mouth as you were rushing into your next meeting?
These days, things rarely get our undivided attention, not even our food.
We don’t really notice how our food makes us feel or how much we’ve eaten — often until we’re stuffed!
Sound familiar?
But how you eat can be even more impactful to your long-term results than what you eat.
That’s why the first essential skill I’m going to teach you is this:
Eat slowly.
Eating slowly offers a host of benefits. It can help you:
o Eat the right amount of food for your needs at the time. o Better digest your food.
o Avoid overeating.
o Eat more mindfully (and avoid rushing through a meal on autopilot). o Notice and heed your hunger and satiation cues.
o Build a healthier relationship with food.
o Relax and savor your food — and the experience of eating.
o Walk away from your meals feeling good, rather than sluggish and sleepy from eating too much.
And when you carve out time in your day to nourish your body, you’re en- gaging in a simple but powerful form of self-care.
Plus, eating slowly activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps you recognize when you’ve had enough food for the moment. This is an especially important skill if you have a goal of fat loss. You may find that when you slow down, you’re able to more easily find your sweet spot for your energy needs at that meal. This helps you eat in a way that supports your goals while still helping you feel satisfied.
When our GGS Coaching client Cassie learned to eat more slowly, she told us:
“Before joining GGS Coaching, I always struggled with overeating and mindless snacking. I never would have imagined that eating more slowly would make a difference, but now that I’m doing it, I’m enjoying my food more AND reaching my goals without feeling deprived.”
Eating slowly gives you back a sense of control over what you’re eating while still allowing you to eat foods you love.
In fact, even if you don’t make any other changes to your nutrition, eating slowly can lead to MASSIVE results.
So, how do you do it? Let’s look at two strategies for slowing down.
I’ll explain the two techniques briefly here, but make sure you download and fill out today’s bonus worksheet so you can learn exactly what to do — starting at your next meal.
I know, I know. Eating slowly might seem really simple. But it can actually take a lot of practice, and that’s what’s needed to get you long-term results!
So, as soon as this lesson is over, print it out or type your answers directly into the digital worksheet. I really can’t emphasize this enough. The work- sheet is designed to work interactively with the course, and by investing a few extra minutes now, you’re setting yourself up for big results for years to come.
Strategy #1: Two-Minute Half-Time Eating Intermission
Your first strategy is to include a “half-time” eating intermission in your next meal. Here’s how it works:
Halfway through your meal, pause for two minutes. That’s it.
This is an opportunity to set your food or utensils down, take a few deep breaths, and take a sip of your beverage. You can ask yourself:
o “How does my food taste?”
o “How is it making me feel?”
o “How much more does my body actually need?”
There aren’t any right or wrong answers. Just notice — and resist the urge to scroll through your phone or turn on the TV.
After two minutes, continue eating if you need to, or stop if that feels best.
Now, if starting with a two-minute pause feels too long, that’s OK. Start with a length of time that feels more realistic for you right now. 90 seconds?
60 seconds? Be as specific as possible, and commit to that as your goal for now. You can always extend the timeframe after you’ve had some practice.
Now for your second strategy.
Have you ever put a bite of food into your mouth, and then immediately scooped up your next even though you’ve barely started to chew?
I know I have!
At your next meal, try putting your fork (or spoon, or food) down between bites and fully chewing your food. GGS Academy Curriculum Developer Dr. Kara Mohr calls this: “Food in mouth, fork on plate.”
This will help you stay present with the bite that’s currently in your mouth rather than rushing ahead to the next. Slowing your overall eating pace also draws attention to what you’re actually eating — which, hopefully, is delicious!
Both of these eating strategies can slow you down and help you avoid zon- ing out during your meals. You may find that you’re totally satisfied with less and are able to stop eating easily. And for those with a goal of weight loss, that can be a game-changer.
While these strategies might seem simple enough to practice, you may still struggle to do them!
Not because you don’t want to — but if you’re like many of our clients, it’s because you might forget. We’re all human here. You’ve probably been eating quickly without intentional breaks your whole life, and sliding back into your habitual eating patterns is totally understandable.
In today’s worksheet, you’ll learn some tricks for implementing these strategies, starting at your next meal. You’ll also learn how to track your consistency with this skill over time — which is where the true magic happens!
No matter what your goal is, learning to eat slowly is a skill that will serve you for the rest of your life.
And with that, you’ve officially finished Day 1 of your free five-day course. Great work!
You learned a ton today, including:
o The life-changing power of small and simple changes, done consistently.
o Why slowing down at meals can transform your results.
o Two simple strategies for eating slowly, starting at your next meal.
What you’ve learned today is the first few bricks of your new, stress-free nutritional foundation. Remember, small things add up to massive results!
Be sure you download today’s bonus worksheet so you can set yourself up for success. In the worksheet, you’ll plan out exactly how you can incorpo- rate both your mid-meal eating intermission and “food in mouth, fork on plate” into your daily life.
Over the next four days, I’m going to share more nutrition secrets that will make a huge impact on your relationship with food and your approach to reaching your goals.
Tomorrow, you’ll discover the difference between hunger and appetite — or, as I like to call it, the difference between feeling hungry and feeling munchy!
Simply tuning in to your body’s hunger cues can change everything about why, how, and what you eat. And it can be a game-changer for goals like fat loss.
You won’t want to miss it.